Maine Coon Morning 3 — Chelsea Lang Fine Art

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    Chelsea Lang Fine Art


    Maine Coon Morning 3

    Maine Coon Morning 3


    This piece actually happened thanks in large part to a portrait commission — I was prepping for a photoshoot at a client’s home, and had to go through an old SD card in my camera to make sure I had enough storage, and came across these old photos of my cat, Boomer, when she was a kitten.

    Nowadays we rarely pull out anything except a smartphone to take pictures, but I was just in awe to come across these. The lighting was crisp and vibrant, and of course Boomer was just cute beyond words. I Immediately downloaded the old photos and made a note to paint them.

    If you’d like to learn more about how I made this piece, I put together a full YouTube video walking through the process here. And, if you want to learn more about why I paint pets and Boomer’s story, check out my blog post all about this piece here.

    Oil on aluminum panel

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